

We welcome the nominations of families in which the deceased parent worked — or the surviving parent continues to work — in the field of public or affordable housing, or community and economic development. To date, the Bollinger Foundation has not awarded grants outside of this priority area, and is unlikely to do so in the future.

The Foundation primarily provides funds for children’s education. This can include — but is not limited to — grants towards special educational needs, school materials, and college tuition. We have also awarded funds for counseling and other special needs.

Our Board of Directors will carefully consider each application. Grants are awarded in small dollar amounts, and in all events will not exceed $8,000 per grantee annually with a lifetime cap of $32,000.

Application form

The Foundation welcomes nominations of eligible families. One can download a hardcopy nomination form (PDF). Once completed, the form can be emailed to or mailed to:

The Bollinger Foundation
c/o IEDC
1275 K St. NW / Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005

deadline for applications

The Call for Nominations will be launched on February 15, 2025. The deadline for submitting grant applications is June 1 of that year. For any questions, please email

download form

Success Stories

We are honored to have contributed over $1 million to families struggling through a variety of situations, helping to defray the costs of basic needs, education, counseling, and much more. Below are just some of the stories of our past recipients.

More than $25,000 was given to the families of HUD employees that were killed in the bombing of the Alfred Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The victims' families used the funds for counseling and educational support.

Financial assistance was provided to three young children whose only parent - an assistant manager of a multifamily housing project and a local block grant volunteer - was slain. Their grandmother is using the money to pay for the costs of the two younger children to attend a special day care program for disabled children.

Three children of an executive director in Texas received a grant in 1992. Their father, who worked for a local housing authority, was recognized as an innovator in public housing, homelessness, and resident initiatives. HUD considered his creation R.O.S.E. - Residential Opportunities for Success and Empowerment - to be one of the most meaningful resident initiatives in the country.

Funds were given to the family of a woman who worked for the Snohomis County Grants Administration and was responsible for distributing HUD grants. She died of cancer, leaving behind seven children. A grant was given to the youngest child, who wanted to attend a local vocational technical school. The money helped fulfill her dream of studying to become a dental assistant.

The two surviving children of a HUD temporary employee - who did not have government insurance when she passed away - received grant money used by their grandmother to purchase clothing and school supplies.

A single mother received funds to help pay for the counseling her children needed to deal with the death of their father, a former employee of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development who died of heart disease at the age of forty- five.

What Previous Grant Recipients Have to Say

"The timing couldn't have been more perfect! I had just been told that our short-term grief counseling for the kids was coming to an end, and I'd have to seek outside therapy that was not affiliated with our HMO. This money will allow us to do that. I thank you all so very much."

"In 2007 my daughter was awarded a grant that we were both extremely appreciative to have received. She was attending Xavier University as a pharmacy student and the awarding of that grant came at a time that was critical because funds were extremely tight. In May, 2009, she graduated from Xavier with a Doctorate of Pharmacy degree as a cum laude student. She has now passed the national pharmacy exam as well as the state exam in Mississippi. She is employed where she is a retail pharmacist. The area that she works in is one serves mostly the under-privileged. Obviously, we think that you made a great choice when you chose her to be a recipient of your foundation funds and hope this letter gives proof. Again, sincere thanks for the assistance."

"Once again, I cannot express to you how much it means to my family to be chosen as a recipient of a Bollinger Foundation grant. I received the check in the mail this week and it will go a long way towards defraying my daughter's college and graduate educational expenses this fall. I hope that my heartfelt gratitude toward the Bollinger family helps to ease the pain of their loss."

"I can't begin to express what your gift means to me and my family (David II and Justin). The grant awards for the boys, and especially for David's education expenses, are most definitely helpful and will be used in good measure. David has a year and a half left of undergraduate schooling, and we pray he may continue on to law school. Justin is in the 9th grade this year, and is doing very well. The last three years has been difficult without David Sr., but knowing we have the support of people like you certainly helps to lighten the burden. Please know that I won't forget your kind gesture. Thank you and all the staff at the Foundation."

"I received the grant award letter in yesterday's mail and I was so thrilled and thankful to receive it. I am the Economic Development Director for a city and I love my job. However, with the economy and the year's municipal budget constraints, I was thinking I might have to look for another job in order to afford to pay for my son's education. The Bollinger Foundation grant award will allow Tommy to attend Fairfield University and for me to stay in the economic development field. Words cannot express how appreciative and thankful Tommy and I are about this generous award. It will truly make a difference in our lives."

1275 K Street NW, Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20005

the Bollinger foundation 2022. all rights reserved.